Working with architecture practice Atrium – one of our Armenian partners – we developed a typical energy efficient house design which became part of the Armenian Ministry of Urban Development’s three catalogues of low cost, exemplary designs for individual residential houses. KMA acted as the energy efficiency consultant.
Currently the catalogue has 41 standard (not energy efficient) designs and the updated catalogue includes 5 energy efficient house designs.
Typically, buildings in the area have very low thermal fabric performance and no insulation at all, plus the complexities of structure as Armenia is an earthquake zone.
This is part of a wider project that KMA has been working with the local UNDP team in Armenia’s capital city Yerevan. The project aims are to demonstrate the energy-saving potential of energy efficient residential buildings, promote the improvement of the performance of similar projects including building design, construction and operation. It will also raise public awareness of the application options of technologies and insulation materials required for construction of energy efficient buildings and for renovation of existing ones.
https://www.undp.org/Other projects we have worked with the Yerevan UNDP team are:
- Tower Block Retrofit, Yerevan
- Masterclasses and Curriculum Development, Yerevan
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Kirsty Maguire Architect team members: Kirsty Maguire
Local partner: Atrium Architects Ltd, Yerevan